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Caravan 2019 - Film Folklore Festival

Community Caravans

Point Fortin Festival Caravan | 26th October, 2019. The first of our 2019 caravan in Trinidad & Tobago.

It is the intention to showcase our culture, by getting the residents of various communities to come out in their numbers to experience film & folklore .

The Film and Folklore Festival Caravan will host movie nights throughout the year to encourage persons to appreciate our culture by being exposed to other forms of storytelling via films and activities.

Movies ‘n Makers Club

First Movies ‘n Makers: Introduction to Film making on the 25th Oct 2019 at the Point Fortin East Secondary School.

As a part of our outreach project, we meet with schools and Councillors and host film and new media workshops teaching persons the art of making movies. We collaborate with the best in the film business and work alongside potential filmmakers from south Trinidad.

Our first workshop Introduction to Film making was on the 25th October, 2019 at the Point Fortin East Secondary School. The students were then invited to intern at the Film & Folklore Festival Carvan on the 26th October, 2019.

The second workshop was held on the 21st November, 2019 at Bishop Anstey High School East & Trinity College East.

Movie Makers Club
Collaborations Berkshire Museum


International screenings | Brooklyn , Boston & England in 2019 with the 12ºN 61ºW Grenadian Film Festival showcase.

As result of the successful premiere, The Hike was invited to showcase at the 1261 International Film Showcase in Brooklyn, New York on the 12th September, 2019; Boston on the 12th October, and in Birmingham, England in November,2019.

Audience Feedback

The Hike has received raving reviews from persons in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Haiti, Central America , New York, Grenada and Indonesia.

Film Folklore Festival | Point Fortin Caravan

Check out our recap video for the mini-festival caravan held in Point Fortin on 26th October, 2019.

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